
For example, I've been clearly in hell for the past couple of days. Projects coming in left and right. The work load is not getting any lighter. And with the exodus of some of my best colleagues, I am tasked to take over their duties and work. But before I call it quits and declare that this is not working out for me, I take some R&R with my buddies. Relax and think things through. And before you know it the solution is smiling right back at you. I believe the keyword is delegate. The issue is not whether I can do the job or not. It's if I can do it effectively and efficiently in line with the other tasks assigned to me. And the answer is simple. No. So after talking to some of my bosses, we have reached a compromise. And now I will be delegating some of my tasks to some of my able peers.
Enough about work. For this entry Im posting pictures on what I did to get my mind off work.
This is me taking a step and leaving my mark in the world.
Presenting the amazing Chikka Dance Troupe.
Mr. Miyagi's new students practicing in the beach.
Pakners mala Mel&JAY. Me and Ms. Donna the emcee's for Chikka's Orange Party Olympics.