Saturday, June 19, 2004


If there has been anything new this week, it's that I've been silent in the past few days. I guess I went overboard going senti mode during the last few days. Sometimes, in our attempt to make the people around us feel special we fail to consider what matters most. As said in the "Little Prince", what is essential is invisble to the naked eye. This week I lost track of what was essential. And it has changed my life forever.

I now try to be more sensitive on the little things. For sometimes they are more significant than what we perceive to be of importance. Because of my failure, I seek refuge in the silence of my solitude. Here I lay and reflect on what I have missed, on what I have done. And I am comforted by the peace of silence. Sometimes you need to be alone to realize these things. Because in acknowledging your failures you come about to the conclusion that you are responsible for the things you do. You were a part of the failure. There was something that you could have done. Ergo you are still in control of your life. And you live with the promise that you still have the chance to fix the mistakes you have made.

My friends have been telling me that I am too quiet in my approach in a lot of things. They say that it is not good. I will appear weak and people will try to dominate me. I will be unable to impress people if I sulk in silence. In my defense, why ruin silence? When silence is the language I use to express how I feel. I can get rowdy sometimes. I can be loud if i want to be, specially when I am mad. But it is when I am silent when I savor every moment that passes by. It is in silence where I thank God for the chance and when I pray for the moment never to end.

Enough about the my melodramatic sentimental babbling. I have posted several new mp3's in the yahoo briefcase. This time Maureen is the one who is singing. It's a lot cleaner and smooth. Perfect for this weeks entry. But it also means that the songs are more simple and others may say bland. You may say that it's also no good. But it was hard for me to set it up so backoff.. Hehehehehe. I do appreciate the posts from friends who drop by and make entries in the tag board. For requests, inquiries and complaints just make your mark on the tag board on the right side of this page. I'd like to dedicate the last song i uploaded to 2 people. To Abbie, mau's best friend and to ate shawie who is going to be celebrating her birthday soon. The title of the song is "One of these days" by michelle branch. Cheers!


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